Two 30-second commercials for children's vitamins and natural dog food

Profile photo for Jeanne Faulkner
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Two 30-second commercials for children's vitamins and dog food that demonstrate my friendly, approachable, relatable and warm voice, my ability to flex my style and tone to accommodate the product.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
these kids have the pickiest eaters. I'm worried my little ones aren't getting the vitamins in their diet that they need. I sometimes get away with hiding the occasional carrot in a casserole that they'll actually eat. But that doesn't happen often enough. My doctor recommended fight of fun Children's vitamins. They're gummy and delicious, and the kids just love thumb. Now they get a snack, and I get the reassurance that they're full of the vitamins they need. Now. If only adult vitamins were this delicious, he's the reason I go for long walks. And the reason I take Sunday afternoon naps. He's the highlight of my mornings before work and the source of my excitement in the evenings. He loves me unconditionally. For all that and more, I feed my dog nature special menu, all natural dog food with no artificial colors and flavors. I know that I'm taking care of him as well as he takes care of me. Nature's special menu, all natural dog food sold in department stores across North America