News/Talk Voice Imaging - KLIF Dallas - Hard Hitting - Informative

Profile photo for Jeff Rechner
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Imaging voice of KLIF Dallas and many more stations

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Dallas KSC SFM in each day to Fort Worth only because you asked for it. I don't know what kind of human repugnant you put on your airwaves. An extra hour of grants Tinge Field tomorrow. The stints Field report afternoons beginning at his new time at four trash radio station. Are you Shape up here. Welcome news in information. 57 k l I I will get it. President Trump holds a campaign rally Monday in L passively. Never will be there. Live with reports. Plus, you'll hear the president's rally speech right here at seven things very well in Texas. Real News and Information. 5 70 k l I F Tail, I f. News and information. 5 70 Every day we keep track of the kinds of news stories that matter stories that make a difference. We're doing it all from the nerve center of Dallas Victory Park, right next to the American Airlines Center. With our 24 hour newsroom reporters on the scene of breaking news and talk programs that bring perspective, we build our broadcast day with you in mind, we hope you'll spend part of your day with US news and information. 5 70 k l i f. It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. Or you could listen to K L I f. For your chance to win $1000. It's the $1000 weekday payday. For rules and info. Check out k l f dot com Remember, don't text and drive news and information. 5 70 K L I F.