Narrative Demo

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Narrative Demo showing my range

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my wife is on a diet, which means I'm on a diet. She's always going on about low carb. This low carb that more like low in flavor. If you ask me this saturday stand before the fans and command the audience at the nebula convention for your chance to win $10,000 and eternal glory spandex option. Welcome to Black sky. Every surface inside is matte black so your eyes will focus on the thing that matters most. The people inside back when I was in college, they called me the animal because I was the biggest and baddest guy on the team. I had the appetite of an animal too. Since college though, I don't play much football, but when I'm hungry, I'm still an animal. Let's spin Now from 1965 you're listening to summer days by the music notes june from Jackson says it's my favorite song of the Summer Look pal, I don't care who sent you. The cure is just a pipe dream. Anybody who's out there for more than five minutes winds up just like the rest of them teddy. How come you're not afraid of the dark? Ask little Bobbi all tucked in his bed because there's nothing to be afraid of. Nighttime is day taking a rest replied teddy. I'm Jeffrey Alan Davis. Thank you for listening