Product Advertising

Profile photo for Jeffrey Sill
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Radio Ad for products using various voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Tired of buying your kids the toys that only do one thing. Boom. It's hot wheels. Rhino might RC it jumps, it spins a weight. There's more your kids can transform Rhino weight into an epic truck launcher. Watch it soar as it launches trucks like never before. With two ways to play. It's more a monster truck for your money. This is racing. This is the heart stopping skull, sharking corners. This is gut wrenching. Airtime. This is nature's wrath. This is the near misses. It almost made its, this is marginal gains. This is a very limited of control. It's the weight of history. This is greatness. This is goosebumps. This is rally. Nothing beats the backwoods less. Talking more doing mind and manners. How about a kiss? I, we're playing with fire and we were wearing what we wore yesterday because frankly backwoods or not, this is a war bringer. The beast of bourbon. Bigger bolder smokier than the rest of them because well, somewhere along the line, Bourbon got soft. Barani became a bad word. So I guess that makes us a bad bourbon then. But that also makes us war bringer. The k of the walk.