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New Jersey Institute of Technology

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
start ups and research universities like New Jersey Institute of Technology are fueling the innovation economy, and few people are better position to see what's on the horizon in New Jersey than physicist and state representative Andrew Zwicker. How technology is transforming our financial sector is revolutionary, and so much of that is in New Jersey. We are innovators when it comes toe agriculture, and there is opportunity now for great transformation in how are we going to grow food in an ever growing population? How do we turn urban centers into agricultural centers? Autonomous vehicles is another one where we have some of the world's leading experts and how this will transform how those who are either elderly or are visually impaired or Mobley impaired conservatives autonomous vehicles to transform their lives and have access to transportation they could have never had before. NJ I t New Jersey Institute of Technology learn Maura NJ i t dot e D U slash research