Charter for Business Private Airlines

Profile photo for Jeline Bracamonte
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Video Narration


Charter for Business Private Airlines is looking to expand its already well-known brand name into the world of helicopters for business travel. The demo showcases a voice that is strong and authoritative, yet luxurious. This aims to attract new clientele as well as inform existing clientele about the added service.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Filipino (Tagalog) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
business travel at a speed of your iPhone. Eight. Is that even possible? Zip around the country in your own helicopter, complete with a license pilot and order to keep you on top of your game? Get from Point A to point B within minutes. Visit charter for business dot com to find out more about how you can bit the traffic. I need to book that flight right now. Give us a call at 182 to 5556482 Show up in style and on time. Start flying to your meetings today.