Art Exhibition Headset


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this's something like being suspended, paused in time. Arrested in active, active stopping cannot be called in activity. No heart is beating. That is happening. Simply happens all the time, and it's actually not so simple. There is a wonderful kingdom alive within us operating, although we're not fully conscious of it. At least I don't I don't realise nobody realises. And while we do everything that is outside of oneself, outside of me, send messages. Take the Children somewhere or other called the plumber or go on buy more coffee is it's run out. Listen to numerous voice messages with endless emoji. Is transport things by things, complete deadlines at work all the time. There are things to be done to try to remember the things that I can never remember and make a note of things and forgotten places. Notes that are lost on pieces of paper that are added to crumpled spent become dirty until they are lost in a dark well in a pocket or purse. Just this one loses one sense of self doing this every day. One vanishes, dilutes as if made of salt. Meanwhile, my body is alive because it knows how to go on. Whereas I many times do not know how it seems strange not to be busy just being not knowing. Like a while ago you entered that Krystle is You closed your eyes and you remained alone, but not really as you were with yourself connected toe oneself but with the truth of a caterpillar that remains silent, curled like a ball offer an affection Purring, cradling, whispering God knows what prayer of nature to come out and be again. I opened my eyes. Open them. Opening them could be the magic of seeing everything from a new perspective.