Audio Book demo Little Word Little White Bird

Profile photo for Jennifer James
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A dramatic reading of an excerpt from a Carl Sandburg poem called LITTLE WORD, LITTLE WHITE BIRD

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
an excerpt from a little word. Little White Bird by Carl Sandburg, read aloud by Jennifer James, and it won't help any. You won't get us anywhere. It won't wipe away what had been or hold off. What is to be if you hear me saying love is a little white bird and the flight of its so fast you can't see it and you know what's there on Lee by the faint were of its wings and the hush song coming so low to your ears. Your fear might be silence and you listen keen and you listen along. You know it's more than silence where you get the hush song so lovely it hurts and cuts into your heart. But what you want is to give more than you can get, and you'd like to write it, but it can't be written and you'd like to sing it. But you don't dare try because the little white bird sings it better than you can. So you listen, and while you listen, you pray and after you pray, you meditate than pray more and one day it's as though a great slow wind had washed you clean and strong. inside and out And another day it's as though you had going to sleep In an early afternoon Sun fall and you're sleeping Heart dumb and cold is around polished stone and the little white birds Hush song telling you nothing can harm you The days to come can weave in and we've out and spend their fabrics and designs for you and nothing can harm you on this You change yourself into a thing of harm. Nothing can harm you. The little white bird is my candidate. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the little white bird you can't see though you can hear it's hush song And when you hear that hush song it's love and I'm ready to swear to it You could bring a stack of affidavits now swear to it and sign my name to every last one. So help me God. And if a fat, bumbling, shopworn court clerk tells me, Hold up your hand, I'll hold up my hand, all right. And when he bumbles and mumbles to be like it was one more witness, he was work for him to give the oath to when he blabs. You do solemnly swear so help you God, that in this cause you will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I'll say to him, I do. And I'll say to myself no thanks to you. And you could be more immaculate With the name of God. I'm done. I have finished. I give you the little white bird and my thanks for your hearing me and my prayers for you. My deep, silent prayers.