Audiobook Sample

Profile photo for Jeremy Durm
Acheivement Badges Superstar


Voice for the audiobook “White Borders”

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
prologue, You will not replace us, you will not replace us with torches in hand and raging their voices. Hundreds of white men marched along tree line, red brick sidewalks through the stately grounds of the University of Virginia. On the evening of august 11th 2017. Their destination was the towering rotunda at the center of campus where Richard Spencer, a leader of the white nationalist movement in one of the organizers of the event, was planning to give an impromptu speech dressed in matching uniforms of khaki pants tucked in polo shirts and fashion haircuts shaved tight on the sides and slicked across the top in the Hitler youth style. The white Nationalist belted out chants in an aggressive, forceful cadence. One people, one nation into immigration, one people, one nation into immigration even more ominously like an anthem. They sang blood and soil, the english translation of the Nazi slogan, gluten Barton. As they near the iconic dome of the rotunda, thomas, jefferson's architectural masterpiece and a world heritage site. The evocation of You will not replace us, morphed into jews, will not replace us. After passing through the greek columns of the rotunda, the white marchers streamed down the north steps into the red brick plaza below. Itching for a fight, they found one in the form of a few dozen counter protesters encircling the statue of thomas jefferson at the center of the plaza with arms interlocked as if to protect the fragile idea. The counter protesters were mostly young, mostly women, along with a few black men. They chanted no nazis, no KKK, no fascist usA but their small numbers in the vast space of the rotunda dissipated, their voices, making their grip on jefferson's legacy seem plaintiff continuous. They id the growing mass of white nationalists rarely as more and more hyped men spilled into the plaza. The location of the standoff could not have been more appropriate. As thomas, Jefferson stood aloof above two different visions for the future of America, both of which Jefferson himself has set in motion, collided at his feet. The Jefferson Statue on the North Plaza of the Rotunda was sculpted by Moses Ezekiel in 1910. Ezekiel was born in Richmond in 1844, and as the Civil War got underway, he became the first Jewish student to enroll at the Virginia Military Institute and VM me, His roommate was thomas Jefferson's grand nephew, thomas G Jefferson. They served together in the confederate army during the war, and the younger Jefferson died in battle. As Ezekiel held him in his arms, Ezekiel fought for the confederacy until the bitter end Hunched in the trenches at Richmond as the city fell in 1865. After the war, he completed his degree at VMI and then moved to europe to pursue his interest in sculpture, studying in Berlin before settling in Rome where he lived for the remainder of his life largely forgotten today. Ezekiel was one of the preeminent sculptors in the world at the turn of the 20th century, but his most famous works are monuments to the confederacy. The majority of the 700 confederate statues that dot public spaces across the United States were not built immediately after the war, but rather between 18 90 1950. At the height of the Jim Crow era. As the antebellum White order was resurgent across the south and the entire country. These monuments still stand in 31 states, Far beyond the 11 that were part of the Confederacy. Ezekiel sculpted a statue of confederate General Stonewall Jackson for the grounds of the west Virginia state capitol. A memorial titled Virginia mourns her death on the VM My campus in the Confederate memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, which was dedicated in 1914 with his connections to the Jefferson family and the south. He was the obvious choice for the thomas, Jefferson statue on the campus of the University of Virginia. Despite executives confederate bona fides. The design of the statue of the rotunda focuses entirely on jefferson's Universalist writings. Jefferson pin some of the most famous lines of the Declaration of Independence, including the idea that all men are created equal and have an inalienable right to life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In the statue, Jefferson stares thoughtfully into the distance, standing atop the Liberty bell and holding a copy of the Declaration of Independence. At the base of four figures representing Jeffersonian ideals of justice, liberty, equality, and religious freedom. The religious freedom side of the statue even includes a tablet listing God, Jehovah brahma, Atma, ra and Allah. This inclusive version of jefferson's legacy represents the dream of what the United States has to offer, where freedom and equality are protected for everyone, regardless of their race, religion or place of birth.