Guided Hypnosis

Profile photo for Jessica Connor
Not Yet Rated


This is a sample of a guided hypnosis I created for my YouTube channel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
As you rest here in your comfortable place and in this comfortable position, and you are entering that perfect state of relaxation, perhaps you are curious as to just how and when you will go into a hypnotic trance. And of course, I don't know exactly when this will happen for you, but I do know that very soon, you will be ready to surprise yourself by allowing your conscious mind to take a mental step back, to give my words permission to do all of the work for you. And the more you relax. And as you drift down deeper and deeper into a profound sense of relaxation, the easier this becomes for you. In fact, you may even find yourself ready to create some images in your mind as I describe them to you. If you are ready to do this, imagine a beautiful staircase in front of you that leads downward. We will discover exactly where it leads in a moment. But for now, just know that it leads to an amazing world of possibility where you can create your life in intentional and easy ways. Your staircase is carpeted in your favorite color and the carpeting is soft and thick beneath your bare feet. There's a railing on the staircase that fits perfectly in your hand. Use your mind to grab that railing with your hand now and feel how perfect it feels to you.