Informational Video Voiceover: Demystifying the Budget

Profile photo for Jessica Bautista
Not Yet Rated


This is a voice-over for an informational video in which viewers find out more about the budget process of Gilbert, Arizona. Upbeat, friendly, and confident, this voice can take even the most dry subject and make it palatable.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
way. When you look at Gilbert's budget, it's a big number, and it can be shocking. In reality, the budget is structured and tightly monitor with money dedicated to specific purposes. In Gilbert, every dollar is accounted for, just like in your household budget. You may dedicate money to pay for your house, car and groceries. Gilbert dedicates Taxpayer funds recall revenue to pay for general government things like public safety parks, capital projects and other operating costs like information technology and planning. It also uses revenue to pay for streets, water, sewer, trash and debt. Let's take a look at where the money comes from and where it goes. Revenue for general government comes from Gilbert sales tax, a portion of state sales tax, state income tax and other charges for services like building permits, park rentals, court piece, etcetera. Town Council has no control over the state sales tax or income tax rates, but they set Gilbert sales tax rate. Gilberts Council has kept the sales tax rates stable at 1.5% since 2000 as Gilbert gains more businesses and residents, revenue has increased even though the rate has not. This additional revenue is used to provide services for the growing population of Gilbert. Gilbert also has money dedicated for streets. When you fill your gas tank, a portion of those taxes come to Gilbert from the state. These are called highway user revenue funds or her funds. When you register your car, a portion of the vehicle license tax also comes to Gilbert. These two revenue streams air not enough to build and expand our roads. So Gilbert also uses revenue from bonds that voters approved on a ballot in 2007 for expansion projects. Gilbert also sets aside money for water, sewer and trash. All of these air paid for with money from utility bills Council sets the utility rates that the amount needed to pay for the cost of service and maintaining the infrastructure. Gilbert does not make a profit from these services. New businesses and residents pay a system development fee, which pays for their impact to the system so your utility bill doesn't last late. Gilbert uses money to pay off debt. This is the only area where Gilbert uses property tax. The town of Gilbert does not love you primary property tax, but there is a secondary property tax that pays for the required amount on bonds that voters have approved on a ballot for things like street improvements or parks. Onley when voters approved projects is their property tax. Gilberts property tax rate has been decreasing since the 19 nineties. Here in Gilbert re balance our budget to the penny. We review our levels of service each year to ensure citizens are getting the most for their money. We take our responsibility seriously, so if you'd like more information, please visit Gilbert ese dot gov slash budget.