The Story of Language



Jon Goffena delivers educational content with a pace and tone that keeps the listener engaged. Regardless of the content- from technical to art appreciation- no subject is boring now!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the language stream of which we have by far the most complete, unbroken record is the Latin romance from the fifth century BC Until today, this stream unfolds before our eyes like a majestic river whose course could be explored from the source to a point beyond which nothing can be explored because the future is inscrutable. If it is our purpose to follow the evolution of language, it will be far better served by following this stream than any other. Yet as we do so, we shall have the assurance that save for matters of historical detail, we are following the stream of language. In general. Differences in linguistic history are of degree and detail, not of kind. Latin issues from the subsoil as a tiny reveal it about 500 B. C. Its pre history is unknown because of the lack of written records before that time. But we can assume that a group of Indo European speakers, striking southward and westward from their original homeland and making changes in their language as they went, finally found their way across the Alps into the Italian Peninsula, where they found people of different racial and linguistic stock. When Latin first appeared. It was the tongue of a small body of speakers settled around the mouth of the Taiba River in west central Italy to the south and east of them were close relatives. Falla skins speaking a kindred tongue, say beans and civilians who spoke Oskin Ah, language of the same metallic subdivision of Indo European as Latin but already strongly differentiated. Another group of a Tallix speaking people, the um brains, had settled to the Northeast, while the immediate northern neighbours of the Latin's were the nonmetallic, non Indo European e true skins, a powerful, mysterious race whose untranslated records appear throughout northern Italy in isolated localities of the South and even in some of the remote islands of the eastern Mediterranean. The valley of the Po, in the extreme north of Italy, was held by Celtic speaking goals. The cities of southern Italy and western Sicily were, for the most part, Greek settlements in both north and south. We have traces of other prehistoric races speaking vanished languages like Gurian, Reddick, Va. Need IQ mess, a peon Cissel, of which only a few fragmentary and undecipherable inscriptions have come down to us