The Last House Standing

Profile photo for George Siegal
Not Yet Rated


Voice-over of the documentary film The Last House Standing. The film is 79 minutes long so this is a very abbreviated version.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the most beautiful places to live in this country are often the most vulnerable. You want the coast every hurricane season. You are on guard for what could spell disaster for over 1/3 of America's population. You want to live up in the hills away from all the congestion. You are a wind shift and some dry brush away from losing everything. Maybe you like living near a river in the Heartland of America. Better hope the spring doesn't bring you dangerous floods or if you choose the wide open plains. But tornado can cause you to lose it all in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, some of the biggest population areas live on active fault lines, and it's just a matter of time until it could all come crumbling down. In the summer of 2019 Hurricane Dorian leveled parts of the Bahamas before continuing towards the U. S. The slow moving hurricane park itself over these tiny islands, taking lives and everything in its path. The storm ended up bringing flooding rains to the Carolinas. Meanwhile, another slow moving tropical storm, Imelda, brought over 40 inches of rain to parts of Texas as Hurricane Michael headed towards land in October of 2018 many of the residents in the Florida Panhandle thought the storm might miss them or, if it hit, at worst, be a Category two. But on October 10th Michael came on shore as a Category five. Hurricane Smith is grateful they made it through and are able to rebuild. Her mom's home wasn't as fortunate. That's where the families lifetime of memories were kept. What price are you willing to pay to keep things just the way they are? Are you willing to continue to risk your home? Are you willing to continue to risk all your possessions and family heirlooms? Are you willing to continue to risk your life and the life of your family? Or do you want to do what's necessary to be the last house standing?