Jim G narration demo

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Video Narration

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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is the story of those who will make a difference who have made a difference on appointment with destiny in a place where the foundation for extraordinary achievement has been laid. The lives we are privileged to touch remind us each and every day that we hold ourselves to the highest of standards our passion, our drive, our commitment. It's more than a job. It's our mission. When you're behind the wheel, worry should be the last thing on your mind. At Ford, we've developed systems that help you avoid accidents and systems that help to protect you from those accidents that are unavoidable. Carrier leadership in heating and cooling technology and Toshiba ingenuity in high efficiency, variable speed inverter technology. Together, thes industry pioneers combined to create the best, most comprehensive family of Douglas and BRF systems ever. On May 22nd 2011 a deadly tornado plowed a mile wide path through Joplin, destroying 7000 homes a full 25% of the city. He left a death toll of 160 was a single most costly tornado in American history. Georgia's philosophy was simple, he once said quality was our only defense against the competition. To stay in business, we had to do everything a little better than they were doing it, and so he did.