Healthcare System

Television Ad


This is a 60 second image ad for a healthcare-focused organization.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
health. It's not a place you go a yearly checkup you commit to or something you wait on. Health is a state of being. Sometimes we have it. Sometimes it's taken away, and it's through health that we find a deeper part of ourselves where we realize what matters most where we learned to live our best lives. Health is a purpose, Ah, purpose not just for the health system, but for the people, for communities and for companies. Our challenge is not everyone has health and not everything is healthy, which means we've got some work to do. And that's why we're here, to recode the world and put health at the center of it to make health more accessible, more equitable, more connected and more embedded in everything. That's our vision to create a future where health is everywhere.