Jonathan Lipow -Commercial

Profile photo for Abrams Artists - LA
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad

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English (North American)


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there's no time to learn about health care. And quite honestly, you shouldn't have to. That's why we're shaping what we do around what you blue Cross Blue shield. You've got the will. We've got the way you could be a lucky dog when you play Lucky Dog, the new $1 scratch game from the Colorado Lottery. Simply mail in your non winning lucky dog tickets for your chance to win. After all, every dog has his day. Meet the MK Taggart's. They like to put a one on pork, but not beans. McTaggart. It's also like to sit on the same side of the booth you may not like with the MK tankards like, and that's OK. Put a one on whatever you want or don't a one for almost anything. This is the farmland Bacon club skillet or griddle oven or microwave. Together we sizzle. Bacon lovers unite your dates about to arrive. You're ready, but your floor is a good thing. You have the bare floor mastering, grab and go Cordless from Electrolux. You know you're flying down the road in a three ton hunk of steel and that a text takes your eyes off the road for an average of five seconds. Turn it off. Whatever it is, you'll live