Forward - Audio Book (Audible, Apple)


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I was thrilled to hear that Marcus Johnson was writing a book honored when he asked me to write the forward and excited when I learned that the book would be entitled for the love of. Marcus explained the concept to me, and it just felt right. Especially when one considers Marcus his background. Marcus has always been one to follow his dreams, even when it meant going against the grain. And that is what for the love of will inspire its readers to do. It will be motivated to dream big dreams and to preserve even when the cards are stacked against you. You may know that Marcus earned law and business degrees from Georgetown University. As his friends were donning business suits and preparing to join the corporate ranks, Marcus made the bold choice to become his own boss. I first met Marcus in the early two thousands when he partnered with my former husband on a business venture that would ultimately become Marcus. His first company, three keys, music and independent record label. Marcus is creativity, confidence, integrity and affable demeanor made him a wonderful role model. So after getting to know him a bit, I asked him to mentor. My son, Marcus has come a long way since those early days he spent with my family. He has since gone on to diversify his interest to include not only music for which he is perhaps best known, but also music publishing, a radio show, a wine label, public speaking and now book publishing. I couldn't be prouder of the strides he's made.