
Profile photo for Josh Shudra
Not Yet Rated


This demo showcases me reading copy for a documentary over Koalas with an emphasis on the style being geared toward children and their parents.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Wallas aren't bears, they aren't even related to bears. The reason the wall is called a koala bear is because the Kuala looks like a teddy bear. Actually, the Qala is related to the kangaroo and the wall. Bad Qala is a marsupial mammal. Wallace can only live in one place in the world. Australia. Now there are only 2000 to 8000 qualities in the wild. Although not officially classified as endangered, the population of Australian qualities has dropped by 90% and less than a decade. This is due to the destruction of koalas. Natural habitat, a narrow crescent on the eastern coast of Australia. The Kuala It's only eucalyptus leaves and eat so many leaves. It smells like the leaves. Kuala will eat £2.5 of food a day. Wallace do not build nests. They simply sit in trees. There. Pear shaped body provides stability, while the cuales it's when it searches for food, Qala hop from tree to tree and climbs the trees to get to the leaves. Opposable thumbs and toes allow for a tight grip when climbing rough pads on under surface of hands and feet increased traction, while the koalas climbing. What else do we know about koalas? They could run as fast as a rabbit, and they sleep for up to 19 hours.