Narration - Young Adult Fiction



North American young adult

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
people leave a lot of really strange things behind it. Hotels in the five months I've worked at the ground palms, Maui, I've come across some truly weird items, a rubber gorilla mask, a notebook with nothing but carpe diem written over and over in tiny block letters, a pair of dentures floating in a glass of water. Maui has a lot of feral cats. Seriously, they're everywhere. So it's not exactly a mystery how this cat ended up here. My guess is that this couple decided to adopt her during their luxury vacation, thinking they were doing her a favor and now that they've returned a reality, they've left her behind for someone else to deal with. Leo sighs and turns to look at me. He catches sight of my face and his eyes widen. I scowl at him as his lips pinched together, like he's trying really hard to hold in a laugh. It's not funny, I snap.