Energetic Teen

Profile photo for Jodi Hansen
Talent Online


I voiced Casey the Werecow in the video game, Fngs fr th Mmrs.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
glad you could make it. I came prepared with snacks and pillows. This night's gonna be real fun snacks after the movie starts. Do me a favor. If you see me eating too many snacks, take them away from me. I want this costume to stay loose on me actually. My clothes feel kind of tight. Are my boobs getting bigger? Whoa. What what happened was I really a cow just now? Where is everyone else? Are you okay? You look really pale. Hmm. I think I saw Mike's clown nose fall off when he ran downstairs. Do you think it might be like my cowbell? I'm fine now. Thank you. Did everyone else start turning into things too? Should we help them? I don't think I can do that myself. Oh, meat lovers, huh? You know, I think I'm good with a vegetarian one. This one's all yours Trev. Please help the others. So reds left. Yeah, that sounds like she'll be difficult to get a hold of if you don't mind, I'm still a little shaken so I'm gonna hold the fort here with the pizza. You know, you make a good point. It sounds a lot more fun than being a cow at least