Mt Carmel Health-Professional-Conversational-approachable-ad

Profile photo for Joseph Kelly
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Voiced and produced final ad. Used a Professional conversational and approachable tone for this health care commercial

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Here's an important message for our listeners on Medicare for a great plan. Look right in your own backyard. Get the $0 mount Carmel health plan columbus number one choice for Medicare advantage. Local doctors designed it so your care and coverage work better together, enjoy easy access to mount Carmel doctors and other trusted providers plus dental vision, $0 primary care visits and more. Go to Mount Carmel 65 dot com slash radio for a free Medicare enrollment kit enrolled to get so $600 cash back in your Social Security check. Every year, a big allowance for everyday drugstore items and $0 copays for Tier one prescriptions. Start protecting your health and savings. With the doctor designed Mount Carmel Health Plan, Get your free Medicare enrollment kit at Mount Carmel 65 dot com slash radio Mount Carmel health plan, also known as Medical H. M. O. P. P. O. Is a Medicare advantage organization with a Medicare contract enrollment in medical depends on contract renewal.