Joe Paul animation reel

Profile photo for Joe Paul
Not Yet Rated

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If another attempt is made to give the corpse of burial, you will make an arrest and bring the prisoner straight to me. I'm in charge now. I haven't had a to think this bad since I came out of hibernation. My black Moors killing May I must have a salmon bone stuck in there. All right, there's I'm scrubbed up and ready for surgery. Time to put that appendix back in. What is that? Hey, can somebody google this? Listen, Barney, I know it's you that's been stealing the post. It's I'm writing you up. Where's my desk? Creature has a unique blood type. His chance of survival is not good Things. Feels like a trap. Way better get out of here. It's too late for him. I know. I'm short and skinny and obviously in dirt. Please just talk to me for a minute. If it hadn't been for the locks of you slowing us down, we'd be across the swamp eating some alligator power. I live forever in your consciousness. When you need me, I will guide you. Your quest will not fail. Yeah, I'm an alien. I'm pretty easy going. Unless I'm hungry. Which I am not. Feed me