Classic Rock Imaging

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Some fun stuff for Classic Rock.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Here's a second helping of rock to go with that third and fourth. Helping a pie feels good. Double shots of your favorite rock all weekend long. Right here on one of 59 the mounted George Washington chopped down his father's cherry tree and smoked. It were double dipping all weekend law. What should you bring to a blood party weekend? A set of ears for listening, some local brew and a towel? Because it's not a party. Until someone buttes Ben Franklin shocked himself to discover electricity way shock ourselves because we can't follow instructions. Yeah, there's a reason why he's in the history books. Hey, it's okay to have your hand of that birds, but today is Thanksgiving. Tomorrow we start asking questions. Do your best to be color number five. When you hear the cuticle because your mom is one rockin mother, you kiss your mother with that mouth. One of I nine. The Mountain rocks Mother's Day. Spend your Valentine's Day weekend with a bunch of sweaty people in leather jeans and spend. It just makes us