Art Gallery Introduction



This introduction is used prior to performances at the Sharmanka Kinetic Gallery in Glasgow, a popular spot for visitors from all over the world and education outreach programmes.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to show mine care on the works of Russian born Eduard Massoud. Ski has made. Scotland is home since 1993. Edward is a self taught artist whose work evolved during the Soviet era under the communist regime. He worked on realising his ideas without connexion to or influence from the artistic climate in the world beyond the walls of her ST Petersburg apartment. In that cramped space over a period of around 20 years, Edward created the body of work you can see in the middle of our gallery. This three sided room is roughly similar to the living space the artist had and Russia. Before we see these machines and performance, we present a selection of the pieces Edward has made during his time here in Glasgow To ensure everyone enjoys this unique experience. We would ask you to refrain from using flash photography during the performance. Thank you. A note stunned by for Shun, my anchor