John Henry Krause - Cold Open for Celebrity Obsessed TV Series

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John Henry Krause - Cold Open for Celebrity Obsessed TV Series

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
May 29 1995 Los Angeles in the shadow of the Hollywood sign. Mhm. An aggressive, delusional and potentially violent intruder confronts a security guard on duty at the luxurious Castillo del Lago. He had violent thoughts and fantasies. He has a history of violence against people that were close to him and he has no regard for laws or boundaries, believes he's entitled to do whatever he wants. In the course of the confrontation and a struggle, a 37 year old man is wounded, he came at me and I shot him twice, once in the arm, once in the stomach. It's either him or me at that point, and if you got a hold of my gun, I'd be dead. But robert dewey Hoskins is not at Castillo del Lago to commit a robbery. He's there to see Pop Star Madonna. Madonna is an embarrassment and she's defiled herself and he wants to slit her throat for some time. The mentally ill hoskins has believed he's married to the superstar. He felt as if it was in the star, so to speak for him and her to unite. And it's preposterous on the face of it. That is, that's his reality. And Hoskins has a plan for the night ahead, bob's plan was to go inside, take a shower in the master, uh get himself all prettied up, have a candlelight dinner with it and then kill her. This is the story of a celebrity obsessed predator, how he stalked his prey, eventually coming face to face with her. He ran right past Madonna and he didn't recognize her. I mean they were within, they were within two ft of each other. How when he next saw her it was in a court of law. She was absolutely freaked out by him and she would have done anything to get him put away even the one thing in the world she didn't want to do the most, which was being the same room as him and how Madonna nearly became the victim of a determined stalker. When fan worship becomes obsession, it can become catastrophic. And for Madonna it almost was. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah, mm. Mhm. Mhm.