Pfau Feeds - Heartfelt

Radio Ad


Pfau Feeds is a wonderful, family-centric business in hardworking Ravalli County. This spot was a joy to cut because it truly gave me the chance to take it slow and say 'thank you' in a genuine way.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in the heart of the Bitterroot Valley resigns foul feeds of feed mill that believes in crafting the highest quality feed possible at an honest value to their customers, who've been part of their nearly 50 year heritage. Thank you to those who have yet to experience the results from their kind of feed. Stop by and see foul feeds at 27 01 East Side Highway between Victor and Bell crossings. Check them out at foul feeds dot com Foul feeds providing western Montana livestock producers value through integrity and hard work.