Commercial Ad, Relaxed. Authentic, Texan, Rugged, Relatable

Online Ad


Realistic Texas accent, relatable, rugged, alpha male

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
yep. Your truck bed, That empty space is good for hauling all manner of things. Sure, But all too often, it's just too darn cluttered a place to throw things for stuff to spill and gear to roll around in. Even if you wanted to organize your truck bed, there's no good way until now introducing the ranch road cargo system, the first, last and only truck bed organizer you'll ever need highly configurable, heavy duty made in the USa. So when you're headed to the ranch, hauling your A T. V. S for the weekend or going camping and you want to keep all your gear organized in your truck bed. Well, that's why we created the ranch road cargo system. It's the ultimate solution for proper truck bed organization.