Kenyan Accent Video Narration - Climate Change Adaptation

Video Narration


A narration on behalf of the Global Center on Adaptation for their promo video about their efforts in developing climate change resilience in low-income areas across the world.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Kenyan (East Africa)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
like informal settlements in cities across africa, Mcu through one of the largest informal settlements in Nairobi, kenya is particularly vulnerable to climate change. This is due to its environmentally fragile location, high levels of poverty and political and institutional marginalization, resulting in the absence of risk reducing infrastructure and support to cope with shocks and the story of my guru is a story that needs to be written because who is the only place you pay to go to the toilet, You pay 170% for water that others are paying in. Karen and Lovington, you pay more for electricity than in any part of Nairobi. And yet these are the people who are the bottom of the pyramid. The MCU approach has taught us that improving climate resilience in informal settlements requires the urgent coordination of several key strategies. The first strategy is the meaningful engagement of residents to make planning decisions. The second strategy is a genuine partnership between government, residents, civil society and academia. Residents know best what problems they face, their relative priorities and what solutions will best serve them. The third strategy is rethinking conventional planning approaches and legislation to confront the vulnerabilities and resource scarcity in informal settlements. The fourth strategy is recognizing the interdependent multi sexual challenges faced in informal settlements. Improvements in no one sector alone can solve them. It is crucial to develop sexual plans in tandem. The global center on adaptation is working with the community and their representatives, including the Akiba Machine ani Trust to capture lessons for locally led inclusive pathways towards climate resilience for cities around the world