Startup Institute - Take The Helm (Voice Over Video)

Profile photo for Jonathan Carrillo
Not Yet Rated


Take the HELM: Startup Institute

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Everyone knows moving is hard piles of boxes. The sixth floor walk up the inevitable challenge of fitting that couch through an impossibly small door, no matter what moving is traumatic. But it's an important part of making the change of getting ahead and pursuing what we want. In 2000 and 12, Startup Institute was founded to help those looking to move for career changers like Ken, who's moving on from his wine store into a career in business development. Or recent graduates like Dora, who wants to move into content marketing with an early stage startup or even start up veterans like Brad, who wants to move up but needs the skills offered in our product and design track. Startup Institute provides the tools to make that transition easier. In 2000 and 13, startup Institute New York found a temporary office in the financial district. It didn't take us long to fall in love with the neighborhood. Students commuting from all over the tristate area love the accessibility and guest instructors from our partner Companies love us being right next door, and the views aren't bad either. Just ask the co working companies we invited to share space. But now we are about to make a move of our with our program expanding and are temporary. Lease about to end. Startup Institute wants to make Lower Manhattan our permanent home for our students, for our partners and for the community of startups that grows around us.