Ten on i and Negros Now Daily Ad

Profile photo for Serafin Plotria
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


I did the host voice over for the radio special Ten on i followed by a short radio ad for a local daily.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi there. Welcome to 10 on I. I am Joe Piece in one. Here we are listening down 10 most memorable songs aspect by our team I FM DJs get our pilot episode We will be counting down 10 most difficult English songs. Beer. It's a video machine that is right for asking among the Filipino indie completo on events without video keys singing Happy Birthday Man, Fiesta Castle Graduation or be sent an open ocean. Orbison Johnny. Well, Agusan video session is the heart of this celebration. But what God? Some of us would sing their hearts out to their delight but to the sufferings of others. Here are the songs we knew that many of us failed to hit in perfection. Even trained vocalist sometimes would not dare to beer. It's a video sessions Yeah Arena on Begona Online newspaper daily Satyan w w w dot Negroes now daily dot com Negroes Now daily is the online edition of Negroes Weekly newsmagazine, serving Negros Island for 20 years, Negroes Weekly and Negroes now daily. Redefining community journalism for subscriptions and advertising. Contact. Telephone number 4345126 or email at Negroes now daily at gmail dot com. Negroes Weekly is located at number eight. Lazar is Avenue Barring You 36 Bacolod City