Jordi Poch English with spanish accent

Video Narration


Video commercial
Middle age: 35's - 45's
Reads are suitable for:
Business, business narration, narration business, commercial, commercial radio, commercial TV, corporate, corporate narration, narration corporate, documentary, documentary narration, narration documentary, explainer, explainer video, information technology, informational, informational video, video informational, internet, introduction, introduction video, video introduction, introductory, introductory video, video introductory, product, product teaser, teaser product, product video, video product, promotion, promotion video, video promotion, promotional, promotional video, video promotional, radio, radio commercial, story, story teller, story telling, TV, TV commercial, teaser, teaser video, video teaser, technology, technology explainer, technology video, whiteboard, white board

Other descriptions:
animated, attractive, believable, confident, conversational, folksy, friendly, generation x, generation y, genuine, guy next door, mature, narrator, natural,

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So you want to see your honey tomorrow, Marty? Status across the country. Which means you need to get a plane ticket right away. So how are you going to book your flight? Okay, fight at your browser and I start looking for flights at one of the civilian travel sites on the Internet. You thought this was going to be a piece of cake, but every size gives you towns off results. When you go so paces and basis off like combinations on time goes by and you're getting frustrated. And you're like, I just want to book this flight now. I mean, like, pronto. So finally you get Barvikha flight. Hope for the best. A new wonder. There has to be a better way to find the best possible flight to see my harder tomorrow on. Get squat. You bet there is a place like that. It's called Hitman. Yes, Hipmunk. Like a fungus chipmunk with every eight or glasses. Check this out. Hipmunk diseno. Some free salaries that takes the pain out of finding the perfect fly for you. How simple. Just enter. Do the party look eyes on your besides Tennyson and that they do want to leave 100 are. Sell it, go to business or first class, Another perfect airline If you like dang, click shoot.