Jordi Poch English with spanish accent

Television Ad


Video commercial
Middle age: 35's - 45's
Reads are suitable for:
Business, business narration, narration business, commercial, commercial radio, commercial TV, corporate, corporate narration, narration corporate, documentary, documentary narration, narration documentary, explainer, explainer video, information technology, informational, informational video, video informational, internet, introduction, introduction video, video introduction, introductory, introductory video, video introductory, product, product teaser, teaser product, product video, video product, promotion, promotion video, video promotion, promotional, promotional video, video promotional, radio, radio commercial, story, story teller, story telling, TV, TV commercial, teaser, teaser video, video teaser, technology, technology explainer, technology video, whiteboard, white board

Other descriptions:
animated, attractive, believable, confident, conversational, folksy, friendly, generation x, generation y, genuine, guy next door, mature, narrator, natural,

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
For nearly two decades, Spain has been one of Europe's best glass into Cyclops. Yet 35% of the country still refused to do it. That is, until we're stepping. It started with a simple way. Secretly recruited controversial Spanish football star Coursey Maria Guti, active with the user and media line. Do what he seems to do best. Drink the U West time recycling glass. I don't That was enough to tourists were caught fire on the war country wasa place with public operates within a mother powers.