Young Male English Voice Actor

Profile photo for Joseph Freitas
Not Yet Rated


Some of my previous work to show my experiences and specialties.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Trust me, those doors will blow open in three, two and one. I could have sworn I put enough of them. Oh, ok. Well, see what I tell you right on. One close to one, close enough, at least because I'm a dead man walking because I am a lost cause. But you're not, you're exactly what this world needs. You're gonna fix this mess. I know it. Let go. It's going to be ok. I promise. Well, well, look who it is. They say you're the best around but I'm not convinced so many stories and yet so few witnesses. Come on, let's move. Breaching the door objective in sight. I'm reloading, reloading, swapping mags on me. Ah, taking fire. Damn. Come on. I still need you tossing grenade objective in sight. Breaching the door, engage quick and clean as always.