DESY60: With forward-looking cutting-edge research into the new decade

Profile photo for Joseph Piergrossi
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Movie Trailers


For the 60th anniversary of the laboratory DESY in Hamburg, a film was made to talk about how the laboratory was positioning itself for the future. I translated the script for the film and provided the English-language narration.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the German research center. Daisy has been a pillar of international basic research since its founding 60 years ago in Hamburg. With the ambitious goal of decoding matter. It's two locations are bustling science hubs with more than 2700 employees and over 3000 guest researchers. The Daisy campus in Hamburg has developed into a world leading center for research with intense X rays from accelerators. The storage ring, Petra three and Free Electron Laser Flash are brilliant X ray sources that are in great demand worldwide, probing the structure of matter down to atomic detail. The 3.4 kilometer long European X F E L runs from Hamburg barn felt to Schoenefeld in Schleswig Holstein, generating the most powerful X ray laser flashes in the world and attracting an international community of researchers. Beams of X rays focused with ultimate precision on the smallest spot with the future Petra four. Daisy is planning the ultimate X ray microscope, which could deliver three dimensional structural images from the millimeter range down to the atomic level. Results from Petra four can specifically be used to design new materials, such as for computer chips and ultrafast processors or for the reduction of harmful particulates. Daisy also means 60 years of top level research in particle physics. Scientists around the world are on a quest to solve the greatest mysteries of the universe. Daisy researchers play a major role in the experiments at the world's largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. Soit near Berlin. Here, Daisy operates the Onley accelerator in the state of Brandenburg and is one of the largest scientific institutions in the region. With a growing center of excellence for Astro particle physics. Daisy and Soybean makes substantial contributions to two major international projects in Antarctica. The gigantic ice cube detector searches for neutrinos from space and in Chile and the Canary Islands. C T A. The world's largest observatory of its kind, will observe gamma rays with its sights and Zotan in Hamburg, Barn felled. Daisy is a member of the helm, holds Association of German research Centers and a strong partner for university and research institutions. Many institutions and cooperations have joined the growing campus and barn felled. Soon Daisy will become the heart of an entire science district, the Science city barn felled already. Now the campus offers research and development opportunities for industry and strengthens Germany's innovation power. Daisy also stands for making science understandable in an innovative way, until the new Daisy um visitor center is completed. A new interactive location will be created in the Hamburg district of half in city, making daisies research a virtual hands on experience. Yeah, a major pillar of the Daisy strategy 2030 is the development of novel technologies for compact facilities. The accelerators of the future will be tiny, highly interesting for basic research and applications such as in medicine, meeting the great challenges of our time with excellent research conditions for new discoveries and developments that is the future with Daisy.