Corporate/Informational Sample

Profile photo for Josh Cates
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Past work for October CMS, advertising the product and demonstrating its features.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to October CMS in this quick tour. I'll provide you with an overview of the October CMS administration area and show you the basics of navigating the platform configuring the system and managing CMS pages. This video will give you a good starting point to begin building your website with October CMS with the top menu. You have easy access to all sections of the system. Currently, we're on the dashboard which displays system statistics, but it's much more than that with plugins, you can extend the dashboard to suit your needs. The editor section is a powerful tool that allows you to manage CMS templates and tailor blueprints with ease. Essentially anything visible on your website can be managed from this page. I'll provide more details about this section later on in the video, the blog section is generated with Taylor. Taylor is a built in tool that simplifies the process of customizing your website with Taylor, you can define data structures and user interfaces with minimal coding required. The entire blog section is dynamically generated based on user provided Y AML files called blueprints which come precluded in the default theme. It's important to understand that the blog section is not a plug in or a built in feature of the platform but rather a customizable feature generated on the fly. This means you can easily add new features such as support for post tas without needing any coding knowledge. The content section is another great example of what you can achieve with Taylor. In the default theme we've provided tailor blueprints that define a user interface for managing the landing page content and wiki articles. If you don't need these features, you can simply delete the corresponding blueprints. The media section is a tool for managing images and other files you need for your website, providing a dedicated space for storage and organization. You can easily upload files to your website and then use them in blog posts, pages or wherever you need them. You can organize your files into folders, preview and crop images as well as manage other types of assets such as videos and audio files. The settings page allows you to configure the system and includes many options such as managing website themes, controlling access for administrative users and customizing the appearance of the administration area. In addition, you can also use the settings page to configure the email system and manage email templates among other common tasks. Let's explore the editor's features in the sidebar. You'll find two sections, one for managing CMS, templates and assets and another for managing tailor blueprints while you can use your favorite code editor, like visual studio code to manage these files. The editor is the simplest option for beginners watch as I quickly edit the home page by changing the page code in the editor then saving and reloading the website. Voila. The page content has been updated. Adding new pages to your website is just as simple. For example, let's say I want to create a new page called Recipes. I can easily do this by entering the page URL setting its title and layout and adding html content. Then I can simply click the preview button to see the page live on the website. Later, I can use Taylor to make this section dynamic allowing users to manage recipes directly from the administration area. For more information on how to use Taylor, check out our tutorial which is linked in the description. Speaking of Taylor, let me demonstrate how easy it is to work with blueprints. Let's say I want to add a city field to the blog posts, author management interface to do this. I simply open the blog author blueprint and add the city field definition. Then I click save and migrate and let Taylor work its magic. If I reload the author page, the new field will appear for a more detailed explanation of how to use Taylor. Be. Sure to check out our tutorial which is linked in the description. I hope this video has helped you better understand the October CMS administration area for more helpful tutorials check out our youtube channel and for additional information and resources. Be sure to visit our documentation. Thanks for watching.