Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Rico Hatton
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Various and wide range of commercial and advertisement samples, all voiced by me under live direction.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
save those six days with simple natural ingredients. Zeit come is clinically proven to shorten cold so you can get back to what you love. Cycm sinks colds reason 46 making a tiny sled for your pet hamster. What's your reason to get to the next last Pringle? Why start your morning off like this when you can kick the day off with an explosion of crispy, sizzling bacon, Wendy's new breakfast, bacon eater, We got you this Halloween, treat yourself to a whole bag of Racists. If anyone asks, say, you chose trick not sorry. Re cysts blossom gland, them trade them. Glass girls come with three secret makeup markers so you and your friends can trade to make the perfect look again and again. Lash impact like never before with up to 10 times the volume. So your lashes are sensational from every angle only from Maybelline new york.