The Gospel

Profile photo for John Rhodes
Not Yet Rated


I wrote this for my church and was encouraged to upload it to streaming platforms with a song that I had written.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
God, The only Holy one in 3 persons created all things but formed man in his image in our arrogance, man chose to sin instead of choosing God. But God being rich in mercy, sent his only son jesus to be the perfect example for our lives and to ultimately sacrifice himself. In order to bring we who were far off near Jesus now calls us to repent of sin, confessed that he alone is Lord and believe in him for eternal life. Jesus returned to heaven, but left the Holy Spirit to give what we needed to live like christ in this life, Jesus is going to return and take all those who confessed and believed in him to a place that he is preparing.