Commercial Reel

Profile photo for Juan Martin Gimenez
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


my take on various commercials

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Juan Martin Jimenez, commercial, Real Nicos and Artisan, and he just use his passion for Served with his love for his dog. Dozer, aka If you re wet suit and it deserves another perfect fusion. Refreshing iced tea, natural lemon flavor and vitamins views. Never just one thing. You're probably wondering what makes this chips taste so good. Here's a hand. It's lime. It tastes like lime. Tostitos. Get to the good stuff. Holy Mother of Thin. Look what we did. We made it thin. How is that possible? You ask. It's not, but we got done it anyway. Reese's Thins Not sorry. Greatness is just something we made up. Somehow we came to believe greatness is a gift reserved for a chosen few for prodigies for superstars. And the rest of us can only stand by watching. You can forget that greatness is not some rare DNA strand. It's not some precious thing. It's not more unique to us than breathing. We're all capable of it. All of us, Nike, Find your greatness. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show this summer. Experience, the journey, the courage, the legacy of the dream, the history, the joy at the moment the revolution, the myth, the music, the fight, the triumph that is shaping a generation experience. Hamilton streaming exclusively on Disney. Plus hey, Pineapple. You know, it would be fun. What if we got in that blender? Is that a deer double their captain and pineapple? There's more fun to be had. Mm.