Commercial Demo

Radio Ad


Commercial Demo Written and Produced by Melissa Moats

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The only thing we can be sure of about the future is that it will be fantastic. BMW Sheer driving pleasure one app every deal, the target up. Expect more, pay less. There's some workouts you love to hate. Introducing all new hit classes, a 24 hour fitness and you thought the stairs were tough. What is magic? Magic is pixie dust. Magic is flying. Magic is here while Disney World magic awaits this'll. Red is for the fiery, passionate Feria read by Loreal. Shimmering hair color goes beyond bold live in color. When fashion goes wrong, it's time for a fail fix. The magic mask fixes her makeup. Take her hair from crazy. Too cute. Become the ultimate style savior. Fail fixed dolls each looked separately. Netflix is the best. What? What else needs to be said? We've been accused of bringing in Hippies to serenade Are Grapes first? That's silly. Second Way. Wish we thought of it. Woodbridge. Great wines for great encounters. This is me. Sometimes I take out this picture and talk to her. I tell her not to worry so much about her future. She doesn't have to have everything figured out. You know what? She's gonna be okay because she's going to the University of Phoenix