British Commercial Demo

Television Ad


British (neutral) and TransAtlantic International
Business Corporate E-learning , explainer, commercial
Real person, warm, friendly

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If you're flying from the states to London, there aren't many choices. The old traditional airlines and reducing leg room, offering less service and even charging for a pillow. Virgin Atlantic We think it's all about you. Tender, supple, flesh, flawless skin, legs to die for on just waiting for your big strong for rotisserie chickens at Whole Foods. My friends think I'm quite proper set in my ways, stuffy, even, perhaps, but my ticket master account says otherwise. Ticketmaster allows me to see all my favourite performances from Beethoven to Terni, the whole new Lexus L s. This's the ultimate pursuit of perfection. Declare your elegance, declare your edge, play your essence, be inspired, then get the beauty. That's all you at Sephora, the platinum card from American Express, now five times rewards points on airfare. Visit amex dot com for more information alone. More about our full range of Chanel products for men and women. Visit Chanel dot com. What download the APP