Character Reel

Profile photo for Kai Queener
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sorrows Air Council. Teoh thinking you're gonna tell me so I have a little trap with all of those weapons. What, though? For Tokyo believe the world? What are you looking at? Jumping around like a stupid little grasshopper. I hate when all the bugs I have to crush don't stand still. Bring your army. Next time I'll take you all those kids making me so mean and nasty in and look with Johnny. And they're gonna do even wars things to me. Like like, put me in the toilet and swirl me all around thing I was like paddling hard, right to get on that that wave, unlike paddling. Look to my left and some Guam is on my ***. So I looked at it deep into his soul, and I just think he got my body, like, hopped off my wave, you know? No, I don't like the way you look at me like I'm some kind of animal. Something I have two eyes and two ears, A tail and the heart. A pretty big one. My feelings get hurt. Who? You know