Kali Newcomb Voice Demo

Television Ad


Commercial Voice Reel produced by Stagemilk

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Kelly Nuke. Um and this is my voice Demo Dogs investigate everything. So do we. That's why we can trace all the meat in our food back to the farm. It comes from keeping them healthy and curious. Of course. Good, honest food. New from pedigree. Have you heard all Virgin Australia? Flights to New Zealand are now all inclusive too, with a meal, drinks in flight, entertainment on your own device and checked baggage. Virgin Australia now all inclusive to New Zealand. Your workmates safety is just as important as your own safe work. New South Wales can help you start a conversation about safety. Feeling the winter chill, Stay warm with the Dyson. Pure hot and cool purifying fan heater designed for fast whole room heating with purified air. Come back from your next holiday with storeys worth sharing. We've looked hard to find those one of a kind holidays that are great for you. Whether it's off the beaten track close to home or a whole world away. Need a win to chicken sliders for just five bucks. Now that's a winner winner. Running a busy hospitality business really keeps you on your toes. That's why we make most of our decisions on the move. But if you're constantly putting out fires is way too easy to put important decisions on ice. In a perfect world, perfect toddler would be a perfect eater. In the real world, you need a more balanced approach. S 26 gold toddler brings you closer.