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Professional Voice Talent of selected topics.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this one goes out to the originals, the ones who stayed true to their calling and followed their own path even when people doubted him. Enjoy. You deserve it. Jack Daniels. If we can't put a car in the sky, we may as well put a plane on the road, right. Introducing the all new Ford GT with nearly 650 horsepower. It's the car that'll make you feel flying Ford, for the future belongs to those who innovate. Those who are constantly searching for new ideas and never settle for just enough. This is Booth. Future starts here. You don't want to live in filth, do you? Of course not. But you also don't want to live in a chemical factory. Simple green All purpose delivers a deeper, safer clean, so you get clean without compromising simple green. They're the most experienced, skilled and best trained people in the country. But many of our nation's veterans still need help getting their lives off the ground. Donate to wounded warrior project and serve those who sacrificed for us