Karen Kanakanui Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Karen Kanakanui
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


For commercial applications, such as broadcast, public service announcements, testimonials, and promotional, here’s a sound that can persuade your customers and clients to take action!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's a holiday tradition. The Nutcracker and the Joffrey Ballet. Chicago lands most popular Holiday entertainment is a spectacle. Children of all ages will cherish forever. The Joffrey's Nutcracker is pure magic. Come celebrate the season with us. For many Children in this world, the sky's the limit. They're taught to have dreams and believe in themselves, and the future is theirs. However, for other Children, this will never be. Now, with the help of Half the Sky Foundation, thes Children will be given the chance to find their dreams. Any diamond will light up a woman's eyes, but only one will set her heart on fire. Hearts on Fire, the world's most perfectly cut diamond. What would happen if you became ill or suffered an accident and were unable to work? Could you still pay everyday living expenses? Colonial Supplemental insurance plans help you protect the really important things in life. You and your family Colonial for what happens next. Cliffside amphitheaters and West Virginia's national Parklands. You'll sit under bright stars as you watch one of two musical dramas. Get ready to enjoy a great theater experience at Cliffside Amphitheater performances nightly