Radio Imaging - Karen Murray

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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
pulse radio was sending you to check out Bruno Mars at the Coliseum this summer. Bucket. You stay tuned for details and your chance to win tickets to this sold out show. Five F M. Number one for our Indian old school. Your late night fixed. We're back in the day. Slow jams. You know what time it is being music is music is one or 2.7 the B radio, all of your favorite old school jams and throw bags from back in the day when you were young and beautiful. Wait, I didn't mean that. You're still totally beautiful, baby. It hopping are in your in the middle of 40 minutes of commercial free. Classic. It's unusual. One. A 1.7 were commercial free 1 to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday. What more could you want? Wait there is that cute guy in accounting? What would it take to make you feel good right now? Besides, you're fourth cup of coffee. How about more good times and great hits on Thunder Bay's best variety? It's a fun, low caffeine alternative to coffee That moment, when the beat drops 92.3 bounce