Explainer Demo

Video Narration


samples recorded for explainer demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Uber Eats has hundreds of restaurants to choose from. When you open the app, you can scroll through for inspiration or search for a particular restaurant or cuisine. When you find something you like tap to add it to your order. When you're ready to check out, you'll see your address, an estimated delivery time and the price of the order includes tax and delivery fee. When everything looks right, just tap place order and that's it. You can use the same payment methods you use on Uber trips. Meet Ralph. Ralph spends a lot of time in the gym, but Ralph is kind of a dumb ass. Hey, no, no, that machine's not for your legs. Well, that's going to leave a mark. Ralph could really use some help from Planet Fitness and our certified fitness trainers with pe at PF Ralph can get instruction on our huge selection of cardio and strength machines. Our gym trainers also facilitate a wide variety of small group training sessions and are available to design an exercise program to help him meet his goals and get the most out of his workouts. Seriously, dude, you're gonna pull something, come see the Crayola brand brought to life. Crayola experience is a larger than life indoor family attraction packed with hands on activities all inspired by Crayola's latest and greatest products and technologies at any of our five locations you can name and wrap your very own. Crayola crayon. Turn yourself into a coloring page, make melted wax souvenirs and more use the links on this page to find out more about a location near you. What makes nogle so special. The extra care we give makes a big difference. Sometimes a hug, a smile, a smell, a touch is all we need. Snuggle. Gives your clothes the softness that invites a hug with our Exhilaration collection. You can enjoy scents ranging from crisp refreshing spring air to tropical notes. Sure to remind you of your last family vacation. We believe togetherness and connection is the most precious thing we have. That's why snuggle is dedicated to making those moments happen.