2015 Commercial Demo - Katabelle

Radio Ad


Katabelle's Commercial Demo, for my first agency! In Kansas City, 2015

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Dentyne ice intensely cold for icy fresh breath that lasts and lasts. Dancing ice ready for some fun in the sun lit without our oversized beach towels. Scott Surf Shop has everything to cover you at the beach, including swimming apparel, sunblock, scuba gear, flip flops and oversized beach towels made with shake away technology that make sure you leave the beach that beach before you drive to the cottage. Stop by Scott's a shop to start your summer off rights. Want straighter teeth, but don't want to put your life on hold with metal braces, and Invisalign uses a series of clear A liners to gradually straighten t enjoy a better smile every day with Invisalign.