Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Since the last time Congress increased the minimum wage, the cost of college has gone up 300%. Theo cost of health care has gone up 500% on the cost of child care has almost tripled. 7 25 an hour is a one way ticket to a lifetime of poverty. America deserves better. Call your Congress person and tell them you support a $15 an hour minimum wage. Tiny little balls. A cluster bomb is a weapon used by Iranian backed militants in Afghanistan. It has hundreds of tiny metal balls that explode on impact. Sergeant Becky Johnson was wounded by a cluster bomb as she rescued three of her fellow soldiers in a firefight, dragging them to safety. But Republican Steve King says women don't be long in the military, even though he never served. Seems like Afghanistan isn't the only place one confined tiny balls. Joe Biden defines experience Street didn't build this country. You both this country, hardworking American with small town values way can't. Joe Biden will restore dignity to the White House vote for a candidate who can beat Donald Trump pure evil. It may sound extreme, but how else can we describe Mitch McConnell? He's voted against giving school lunches to poor Children against the human rights of immigrants, and he's voted to humiliate women by forcing them toe undergo unnecessary medical exams that doctors have compared to sexual assault. Pure evil. It's what Mitch McConnell is paid for by left back.