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Sassy, snarky, conversational, professional, you name it - it's here.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
That's hype. Writer. My mom wanted a typewriter for her birthday so she could write letters. I got her a Samsung Galaxy smartphone instead. Now she writes, emails, lots and lots of emails show the world the moments that make you view Facebook live fierce. What does fierce really mean? Five K at 6 a.m. Even on Sundays, one more set when your muscles are burning through your skin. Maybe, but it's also movie night with the kids from soccer practice. Go forth and be fierce. Reebok Brown sugar Shortbread Frappuccino, brown sugar. Sure, for a Frappuccino home, I got a little, but God, Starbucks has a brown sugar shortbread from **** and it'll have a chicken capris panini to please Nugget. That's him. The obedient little Jack Russell over there. But he wasn't always such a good boy. That's how we got his name. Actually, he would leave little nuggets for us to clean up all over the house. Fortunately, we found a great path school through Pecos Partners program. I'm the sensible one, price conscious, always looking for a good deal. Hey, when you have three kids and a mortgage, you do what you have to. So why are these Michael course shoes in my bag? Two words Nordstrom rack. Treat yourself frugally