Young Adult Female Narrator and Character Charlie \"Second Chances\"

Profile photo for Kayleigh Mack
Not Yet Rated


Audiobook reading of the character Charlie in addition to the narrator. Charlie is supposed to be sassy, strong, and confident.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is Kaylee Mack reading for Charlie. Well, my parents are selfish assholes. And despite me telling them on more than one occasion that I am very much ***, they set up an arranged marriage anyway. They cared more about money and their company's image than their own child. I had enough. So on the night of my engagement party to a guy I'd never even met before I blew up my dad's car. He loved that thing more than me. I told them that if they didn't accept me for who I am, I'd keep acting out. So their reply was to send me here. They didn't want to see me for who I am and didn't want to deal with me anymore. But I'm ok with that because being here allows me to be who I've always wanted to be. So it worked out in the end. She smiles up at me. She really does look ok with it.